
We, the Amokolian People, to form and establish this constitution to fairly govern our people, provide an equal and honest government, do ordain this constitution as our own.

I. President
The President shall be elected at least once every four months in a public election. The President shall appoint ministers to there respective posts. The President has the power to override bills that the Sænate approves. The President shall officially represent the country in international matters. The President must have had Amokolian citizenship for at least 1 1/2 months.

II. Deputy President
The Deputy President shall take the President's responsibilities if s/he becomes incapacitated.

I. Sænate
The Sænate shall be an elected body of officials comprising of one Sænator from each province. Each Sænator must be democratically elected. The Sænate shall vote and approve or deny bills. A Presidents override may be again overridden by the Sænate in a 2/3rds majority. All bills approved by the Sænate must either be signed by the President or overridden.

II. Bills
Bills may enter the Sænate through a Sænate member suggesting them, which any Sænate member may propose a bill. All bills have a 5 day voting period in which a Yea, Nay, or abstain must be entered by a Sænator. Any bill approved by the Sænate and signed by the President becomes law, all citizens must abide by it.


I. Provinces
There shall be five provinces; Automatica, Olesläad, Mishalan, Vostergottland, and Vattnaland. Each of these provinces have boundries as marked by the official map. All provinces have the right to self government, so long as they obey the laws of the national government. Provinces must have a democratic, republican, or anarchian government to be official.

II. Provincial Responsibilities
Provinces have the responsibility to provide a contingient of at least 10,000 people to the armed forces. Provinces also must have at least 2 citizens to have the right to self government. Provinces must also have an official flag and arms to represent them.


I. Cantonial Government
Cantons shall exist as cultural areas defined by the official canton map. Cantons shall have a small, non overly bureaucratic government. Cantons shall elect a single leader, known as a Stadtholder, and a Cantonial Council, consisting of at least two members. A canton may pass laws and levy taxes that are fair and just, and do not overly compensate the Canton. Cantons may be expanded or shrunk at the request of the Sænate. Cantons shall be responsible for infrastructure, such as roads and electricity.


I. Court System
If a citizen commits an act that is against the law he or she shall be referred to the Court system. 

II. The court system shall justly punish those who have broken the law. There shall be a panel of at least 3 Judges to make a fair decision. The citizen may appeal his conviction directly to the Sænate, which may release him or deny his appeal. 


I. Ministries
The ministries shall deal with assigned jobs set forth by the President, who may appoint leaders and deputy leaders for those ministries. His appointments must be approved by the Sænate in order to be official

II. List of Ministries
There shall be at least these Five Ministries
I. International Affairs
II. Domestic Affairs
III. Housekeeper
IV. Cartography
V. Culture


I. Citizenship
All people wishing to join Amokolia must fill out the proper forms that have been set by the Minister of Domestic Affairs and/or the Sænate. His or her citizenship must either be approved by the President or the Minister of Domestic Affairs.
II. Citizenship may be revoked if a citizen breaks a major law and is convicted of a crime. Citizenship may also be revoked for treason or plotting a rebellion. Hacking also automatically revokes citizenship.


I. Basic Laws
All basic laws, such as no treason, killing, et cetera, shall be automatically in place. If the President or Sænate indicts a citizen of breaking a basic law, he or she may be tried in the courts. 
II. All other laws non-essential to the current government of the Republic of Amokolia are hearby taken out of place.


I. This Consitution is hearby in place. 
II. The Constitution may be removed if another one is written and approved by at least 60 per cent of the Amokolian Citizens.

X. Jess Heimer, Interim President